
What is parenting? »Its definition and meaning


In linguistic terms, paternity represents the condition of father for the man, just as maternity represents the condition of mother for the woman. It is important to highlight that paternity goes beyond the biological aspect, since the filial bond can be born from an adoption, for example; transforming man into the father of his son even if he is not so biologically.

Recognizing the paternity of a being implies taking responsibility for this child, either financially or emotionally.

Legally, it is presumed that paternity exists, when the children have been begotten within the sacred institution of marriage, specifically in a period of 180 days after it and if the husband has died or there is a de facto separation, 300 days after said events. The count of these days is determined based on the terms of gestation. Considering that it is very difficult for a child to be born alive before 6 months and that a pregnancy does not exceed 300 days.

Within the family nucleus, the father can exercise different types of paternity, some of them are:

  • Permissive parenting: is one that is characterized by being little controlling or punishing. Permissive parents are in favor of their children starting to make their own decisions at an early age. They do not exercise power with the intention of controlling them and they rarely present themselves as authoritarian. They generally seek to resort to reason rather than physical force or punishment.
  • Authoritarian fatherhood: this type of fatherhood is generally based on strong behaviors, which in most cases, are based on religion. These types of parents use their power to subdue their children and often value their obedience.
  • Rational parenting: this is located between the two mentioned above. This type of parenting usually creates firm rules in order to control the children, although there is the possibility of discussion and debate of these rules by the children.
  • It is a bit complicated to guess, the way it can affect the personality of the children, the way in which parenthood is exercised. For this reason, it is necessary that the father always maintain constant communication with the children, in this way he will be able to know the way in which his children understand the relationship that exists with him and this will allow him to adopt a flexible attitude that will help him change certain behaviors.