The Patricians were the first distinguished social class of Rome, the name "Patricios" comes from the Latin "Páter" which means "Father" they called themselves that way because they were descendants of the fathers (founders) of Rome and in their culture the father He was always seen as the fundamental pillar of his family. It was recorded in the history of Roman Law that the Patricians descended from the first 30 curiae formed at the creation of Rome.
The Patricians made up the nobility in its entirety since they were the most important social class of the moment and in their hands was all the power and wealth. In the political sphere, the Patricians were those who belonged to the most important legal body, which was the Senate (this always had the final decision in any situation or discussion present in the population, these being either in the political, economic, social, cultural or, military or religious) only they participated in the government and they were the only ones to whom rights and privileges were attributed, such as being those who belonged to the priesthood.
The Patriciate were also those who made up the military army, this being one of the jobs that gave them the greatest wealth, since ancient Rome was always seen as a great military power in times of war; the Patricians were the largest landowners, having large vineyards and wheat crops on their land, which were the most sought after products at that time (they were the only ones who could become land creditors). A great privilege that the Patricians had was that the first Roman Kings were born from among them (during the monarchical period)
The other social class of ancient Rome was the plebs, they were immigrants, for this reason they were the most marginalized social class; But as time passed, they were fighting against the Patricians requesting greater rights than those attributed to them, since with the passing of the years their population grew in number, and that of the Patricians was reduced, since they they only mated with people of the same class. And although in the end they succeeded, that is, the commoners struggled to achieve equal or similar treatment to that of the Patricians, the latter never stopped seeing and feeling the Noble founders of Rome.