This term originates from the English verb "pay" which means to pay, and is used to refer to the act of intimidation towards a company dedicated to music or radio station, through gifts or threats to promote certain singers or musical groups, For these to be included in the transmission guidelines, the amounts offered will be subject to the broadcaster's audience level. This practice is not very well regarded as bribes are being used to boost someone's artistic career.
The root of this practice is in the rush or hurry of artists and musical groups, that their songs sound on radio stations, in order to publicize their music and achieve good contracts, since the duration of a song on the radio generates a lot of influence on the sales of it. Fines have even been applied to different record companies for accepting bribes. The truth is that the transmission time of a singer or musical group on the radio will depend on the payments made to the station and its managers, and not on what they are artistically worth.
The procedures for the payment of the payola may vary. Some of them are: The artist gives free concerts, or gives a significant percentage of the profits to the directors and musicians of the radio stations. Record agencies undertake to pay extortion, so that their client can be heard on the radio. In this case, it can also happen that the record agency pays certain money so that a special artist who is a competition for his represented does not sound. This system is adopted by important companies in the world of music.
Payment in cash, made directly to the owners of the stations, or through third parties. Drug trafficking or money laundering. In this case, it is common to hear new singers play a lot on the radio, without even knowing where they come from, with an unknown trajectory and who suddenly sound insistently on the radio and perform concerts for some time, however, they disappear from a moment to another, they are no longer listened to, they no longer perform presentations, in conclusion they move away from the musical world. When this happens it is because they are artists created by record companies of uncertain origin, who cancel payola and organize shows with the sole purpose of laundering drug money.