Parsley is a herbaceous shrub of the Apiaceae species, its scientific name is petroselinum crispum. It can be marketed widely throughout the world and is commonly planted to be used as a condiment and decorative part in different dishes. It is currently a main ingredient in detox shakes and games. Only two classes are registered so far, which are curly parsley and smooth parsley. They can be found cultivated in gardens, orchards, and sometimes on roadsides, throughout Europe and in some parts of Asia. In addition, it is located in certain acclimatized and temperate areas of America.
Parsley can grow from seeds, but it can also be achieved by sowing a piece of the stems that has roots, it is an herb that can be had at home. The herb has very thin stems leaves are colored bright green which are dispersed in the form of rosettes, so usual achieves 15 cm and check its small yellow flowers. Parsley is a great source of vitamins K, vitamin C, and flavonoids.
The leaves of any kind of parsley have a high content of vitamins A, B1, B2, C and D, as long as they are consumed raw, since when cooked, part of their vitamin units are eliminated. Although parsley is usually lightly cooked so that it can maintain its aroma, it can also be eaten raw.
The characteristics of the two types of parsley that exist are:
- Bulbous parsley: has a root that could be rounded or elongated. it is prepared like celeriac and can be added to soups.
- Leaf parsley: It is used only as a condiment. Within this diversity we find the usual parsley, with a flat leaf, a little trimmed and very fragrant.
Parsley infusions can be used as a diuretic. The German and Chinese herbalists advise taking it as a tea to normalize hypertension, and the Cherokee Indians use it as a restorative potion to improve the usefulness of the urinary bladder. Likewise, it is used continuously as an emmenagogue.