
What is permission? »Its definition and meaning


From the Latin "permissum", the word permission is called consent or authorization to do or say something. According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, the term permit has several meanings among them, to describe the concession to go on vacation and be free from all obligations, that is, to be out of work for a certain time, this permit can be issued by different entities depending on the country where you reside, in the same way the word is used to speak of military permission, authorization that is granted by people from the military field to be free for a certain time from all their responsibilities and duties.

The most common use of the word permission is to ask people to move when they are blocking the way, for example when you are in a place full of people, you need to ask permission for the person to allow you to pass. Another common use is when we ask for authorization or concession to be able to interrupt a conversation, dialogue or meeting and to be able to give your point of view or opinion. Usually people request this permission or concession to people who have greater rank or authority over us such as our parents, bosses etc.

On the other hand, we also call permission to the document that we request from certain authorities that belong to a specific entityOf course, it is complying with a series of requirements that they demand; There is talk of permits that we use for certain needs such as permission to drive vehicles, to be able to exercise a special profession, to be able to enter certain sites that are not allowed to all types of public, to be able to enable a trade among many others.