From an artistic context, perspective is a technique that is responsible for designing three - dimensional objects on a flat surface, in order to recreate the relative location and depth of these objects. The perspective artistically began to be used from the Renaissance, since at that time the figures were represented flat.
In painting and drawing, it was used to try that the space that is presented can be perceived in a more real, three-dimensional way, even when the object is drawn on a flat surface. This art over time evolved thanks to the help of other sciences such as geometry, mathematics and optics.
At present, the advances that this technique has had are immense, especially with the emergence of 3D programs.
Now, perspective can also be defined starting from the context of ideas. In this case the perspective is the point of view of a person with respect to a specific situation.
Human beings have the ability to see the world differently, however this is subject to change. In other words, a person can have an opinion about a subject and change their point of view the next day. The experience provided by the elements, which can alter ideas, are the cause of a subject changing his way of thinking and understanding the environment.
It is important to note that the perspective will show how the person, depending on where he focuses his attention, can see one thing or another differently. For example, when starting a love relationship, it is normal, especially for women, that their perspective about the man is channeled towards the positive aspects of him, leaving aside his defects since by then he does not see them.