
What is pessimism? »Its definition and meaning


Pessimism is defined by psychology and philosophy as a totally negative state or attitude that an individual can present, this without a doubt is one of the main factors that can lead a person directly to depression, (this is considered as the maximum state of sadness that an individual can present and lead him to suicide). He who is headed down the path of pessimism finds himself following a totally wrong course, in which the individual is conformistHe is mediocre in his actions and little by little with the passing of time he becomes an emotional burden for all those close friends who frequent him; the type of thinking that a pessimist handles is totally decadent, they are always observing the possible bad scenarios that can be presented in an action, their power is totally high (as is the case of optimism) but all their thoughts lead to propitiation negative results.

This pessimism is extremely contagious, they light up like dry plants without control, this being the main flag for the total loss of hope; The pessimist is characterized by showing bad prognoses in front of the people around him, he is always the bearer of bad news and always shows erroneous and negative perceptions of any situation that is being discussed. Generally, the pessimist reaps his discouragement as the result of multiple frustrations, which are usually generated by other people's experiences than by his own, this type of person is in charge of collecting all those negative scenarios in his mind and also makes them public on any occasion. possible.

Generally the stories or topics of conversation of a pessimist are: tragic stories where one or more people usually die, also stories of heartbreak, fervently exposes totally strange diseases that are under study, limiting all the information with luxuries and details, to in turn, they comment on natural disasters where there are countless people affected, accidents caused in their region or outside of them, and any situation that is charged with negative vibes coinciding with the reminder of bad times that have been lived.