It is known as petition to the action of requesting, asking or demanding a certain person to do something. Likewise, a request is understood as the prayer with which it is requested, the message that makes a request and in the right space, the message that is presented before a judge. The petition is a right that everyone has individually or legally, in a group, associations or organizations to claim or request before the competent authorities, usually before public entities or governments, for reasons of public benefit either general, individual or collective.
The right to petition for their own benefit is that the person has the right to express courteous requests to the public administration with the intention that a specific right be examined. One of the examples for this case would be to request an environmental license, a building permit, a pension, an affiliation to any servicepublic domiciliary such as electricity, water, telephone line or urban toilet, or any other type of procedure that they install with a specific effect on a citizen or a particular group of citizens. The public employee has an estimated ten days to respond to the request that was made, which does not mean that on those days the right should be consigned or rejected, but if at least a report on the same.
The request of legal or natural persons can be made regardless of their nationality or independently if the request is made individually or collectively, they can also exercise that right.
Technology allows us that currently requests are made and transmitted through the internet (telematic systems). This means that the petition is not printed on paper with a handwritten signature of the interested party, but is sent through an email or through a web form. They usually refer to open petitions in which applicants can join them by contributing a series of data that proves or makes the legitimacy of the petitioner or signer likely.