Ornamental plants are known as all those plants that are grown with the aim of distributing them to serve as decorative elements since it has various aesthetic features such as the shape of its leaves, flowering, fruit, smell, the shape of its branches etc. which are highly valued when you want to make a landscaping, to decorate a garden, and even to make bouquets with their flowers. However it is important to note that the fact that these plants are considered ornamental, does not mean that this is their only utility, and instead can serve in many ways, experts say that currently there are more than 3,000 plants of this type.
Among the ornamental plants that are best known, trees stand out, they are very important since they provide height and can be the center of all decoration, that is to say that around it it is possible that the rest of the decorative elements are arranged. There are also ferns, these are widely used for outdoor decoration, since they are very resistant to the onslaught of the weather, in general these types of plants are usually placed in pots and hung so that they remain in the air. Aquatic plants are highly sought after for landscaping, especially if the purpose is to recreate a pond. The annuals on the other hand are used for the diversity of colors that they contribute to the decoration, they are characterized by the fact that their cycle lasts all year.
In general, ornamental plants are grown in closed spaces and with specialized climates, such as in nurseries, it is important to point out that these plants are not only used for exteriors, but are also used indoors, however it is important bear in mind that it is necessary that the plants that are located inside the home have the ideal environmental conditions, that is, that the temperature and light are adequate. For this reason, nurseries must have specialized systems that control temperatures, both high and low, which can be harmful to plants.