The policy is the ideological form that focuses the power to a group of people who lead and ensure the guarantees of a population. The term politics dates back to the 5th century BC when Aristotle developed a work that he called "Politics", which founded the principles of what is now Administration of power. Today's politics is divided into separate "Left" and "Right" Banks, thus fostering an eternal discussion about who is the best administrator sponsored by socialist, democratic, communist and capitalist ideas.
Indeed, since politics is the administration of power that a person in charge and his followers have, it must be treated with caution, currently politics has different aspects, given the ways of thinking of different peoples who practice different cultures and lifestyles. The policy must be adapted to the conditions of the region in which it is used, but also the policy is used for the relationship between countries for the development of communities with external help.
It is important to highlight that politics presents different areas of study, some of them are: Fiscal policy, Economic policy, Monetary policy, Environmental policy.
What is politics
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The meaning of what is political reflects that this is an activity carried out by a group of people destined to make a series of decisions to fulfill objectives. In addition, it can be said that politics is a way of exercising power and managing to mediate the differences that arise between parties, in regard to particular social interests. Throughout history, politics has constituted a series of activities organized by systems, many of them with a totalitarian character, where a leader or a small group imposed their criteria and had control of society.
At present, politics has moved from the general scope of the countries, to the different spheres of human activities, materializing in different ways. That is to say, trade union organizations, non-governmental organizations and student centers are part of the spaces where their members have a common interest, group and organize themselves under certain forms and apply the meaning of politics on another scale.
Origin of politics
In man there has always been the need to live in community, that is, in the company of other people. Since prehistoric times when caves and caves were their refuge, the first society that existed was the family, although it was not essential that it be made up of a father, a mother and children, it became the nucleus of happiness. society, from there the need arises for someone to take the reins of the organization and the formation of governments.
Throughout all time, families have been grouped together to help and protect each other, such as in the collection of food, these societies were called a tribe, so they found it necessary to appoint someone to take charge To lead the group, this person must have certain characteristics among them being the oldest, wisest and strongest of the tribe.
These populations with the passing of time grew in inhabitants, some united to rule the smaller tribes, but war began to break out when the death of a ruler occurred, since defining his successor was increasingly difficult. For this reason, lineages and dynasties begin to emerge, in this way the rulers or heads could choose their successor or replacement in command, at the time of their death.
The definition of policy also obeys the doctrine that it was created in order to help people manage their assets and resources, in order to guarantee the maximum use of these and their optimization, to configure a state whose sustainable development is favorable. The term policy is also synonymous with Laws, since before any transaction, business, signing of agreement or establishment of a company, terms and policies of conditions are previously set that must be respected and exercised by the parties involved.
What is political science
Political science is the discipline that is responsible for analyzing, studying and understanding political phenomena and power relations. These studies are developed in thematic fields such as state development, democratic institutions, public opinion, political behavior, social movements, foreign policy, international relations, armed conflicts and peace building.
This discipline arises from political philosophy, a branch of philosophy whose specialty is the relations between society and the individual, but today political science is indistinguishable from its predecessor. It is considered a recent science and developed in the 20th century, after the Second World War.
This science, also called political science, provides the necessary and adequate methodology to know and direct the operation of the State and its government, examine and participate in the exercise of power, direct and transform the functions of the government, in addition, produce public policy, carry out projection electoral acts and analyze the fundamentals of development, current and historical, of the national or international political phenomenon.
Those who study political science are people interested in knowing and understanding the conformation, distribution and impact of power in different instances of national and international society, to influence the formulation of public policies, contribute to a more qualified and specialized debate on better forms of political organization and development of national and international academic knowledge on these issues.
This versatility opens the door to a field of application that includes the contribution to the national and international public sector, both in positions of popular election and in appointment positions, participation in consultation processes and impact analysis with communities of the public and private sector, jobs in the media, consulting and academic research.
Political economy is a science that studies the influence of the economy and its processes on the way it operates on politics and vice versa.
The main objective of the faculty of political and social sciences of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) is to create Graduates in political and public administrative sciences, under strict standards of academic quality and excellence.
What is a political party
Political parties are organizations whose main characteristics are singularity, constitutional relevance and personal base, created with the purpose of contributing in a democratic way to national politics, the orientation and formation of the citizen's will. They also promote the participation of individuals in representative institutions through the formulation of support programs and the presentation of candidates in elections. Its main objective is to consolidate itself in order to obtain legitimacy and power through the popular support expressed by citizens at the ballot box.
In a state of law, these express political pluralism, are a fundamental instrument of political participation and contribute to the formation and expression of the popular will.
Political parties come from the exercise of freedom of association. Its nature is not related to State bodies or public power, for this reason they are governed by their statutes, which are exercised over those who personally and freely, assume to join said organizations.
Its militants have the right to be electors and elected to all positions, to have information on the economic situation of this organization, obtain financial aid from the State, form electoral groups or coalitions, and use the public media to carry out their campaigns., among other.
In Mexico these are classified according to the interests of the social class they serve. For this reason, there cannot be two political parties defending the same social class at the same time, since their interests are contrary.
In the Mexican political system, the body in charge of overseeing the activities of political parties and that they are developed in accordance with the law is the Federal Electoral Institute.
One way for political parties to communicate and obtain the approval of the people is through political discourse and rhetorical resources are used to achieve this, such as persuasion, identification of the enemy and argumentation.
What is a political ideology
Ideology is a set of ideas that characterize a person, group, time or movement, according to Marxists, it is the representation of the reality of a social class, which depends on the place that this class occupies in the mode of production and its role in the class struggle.
It is estimated that these ideologies emerged at the end of the feudal period in the fourteenth century, as is the example of liberalism that was born thanks to the economic, social, cultural and political transformations of the Renaissance. Contrary to this ideology, socialism arises who criticizes the theoretical principles of economic liberalism. In addition to those already mentioned, there are several ideologies among them, fasism, narzism, etc. can be named.
Political systems
Political systems are the result of political, social and economic choices approved by a society at a given time. They also serve as an organization in a certain territory or nation, for the exercise of politics. A variety of agents, regulations, and political institutions that make up political power intervene in this system.
There are several types of political systems and these determine access to the government, which is the same, to the administration of the State and fix the bases on which government activity will develop, therefore they are directly linked to the mode of organization of the government. State and its constitution.
Capitalism is an economic system in which the ownership of production resources is in the hands of the private sector. This arises as a result of the evolution of feudalism, from the abolition of slavery.
With Capitalism there are changes in the mode of production, new manufacturing techniques and population growth arise, all this allows to reduce the costs of the merchandise.
This economic system can be divided into three historical phases that are:
Commercial capitalism
This is also called mercantilism, it existed between the 15th and 18th centuries, a time when Europe went through a transition from feudalism to capitalism. The lands stopped being the main source of wealth and were sold. Its main purpose was based on the accumulation of capital with trade and the conquest of the colonies.
Industrial Capitalism
This phase arises with the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century, the production system is transformed and where it ceases to be artisanal and in small quantities, so that steam engines appear with a large-scale production capacity. Thus, industrial capitalism had its focus on the industrial development of production, for which it needed labor, this is how the working class appears in this way.
Financial or monopoly capitalism
This capitalist model had its beginnings in the 20th century, consolidating with the First World War and continuing to this day. This has its bases in the laws of companies, banks and large corporations, through industrial and financial monopoly. For this reason it is called a financial monopolist, since businesses and industries generate large profits, but are controlled by banks and other institutions that have economic power.
The main characteristics of capitalism are:
- Profit.
- Heap of wealth.
- Private property.
- Salaried work.
- Control of production systems by private owners and the State.
Communism is a political system whose social and economic ideology aspires to the equality of social classes, through the elimination of private property, the means of production of land and industries. According to the radical nature of its approaches, it is considered an ultra-left doctrine.
This ideology arises from the theories of Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx, Germans who thought that capitalism was responsible for class struggle and social inequality. Communism is against the private means of production, since they belong to the proletariat and are its source of production and wealth.
The idea of a social political organization, based on collective ownership of the means of production and goods without class discrimination, emerged in the 15th century with a Taborite movement in Bohemia.
There is a great variety of communist doctrines that vary greatly from each other. However, they all advocate the elimination of private property and the emancipation of the proletariat. The most widespread doctrine is Marxism, it had a special boom since the arrival of Lenin to power in Russia with the October and November Revolution of 1917.
The Russian leader tried to spread the revolution he had created in his country to the rest of the world. Thus a congress of delegates was created on the left side of the European Social Democracy, which decided to create the III International and an executive body called Comintern.
Communism speaks of various concepts that define it. Egalitarianism is one of them. This term is intended to consider the equality of human beings and to eliminate any privilege that they may have over others, with the aim of ending any type of discrimination.
Dictatorship is a form of government that is based on the lack of democratic control in public management and where the government exercises its laws outside of the nation's constitution.
This political system gives power to a person or a group who subdues a nation without being the object of any democratic control or control. The obvious dictatorship and in some cases completely excludes the division of the public powers of the State, such as the Legislative, Executive and Judicial powers, completely applying the suppression or restriction of the freedoms of association, assembly and expression.
In general, dictatorships come after a military coup d'état and the support of civilians who profess this type of ideology, in addition to the aspirations of supremacy and domination, together with authoritarian programs, which arise particularly in situations of political crisis and economic.
At present there are countries where this type of government is still imposed, among them is Cuba, North Korea, Rwanda, Somalia, among others. Among the types of dictatorship are:
It is about the concentration of power in an individual, becoming an absolute cult of a figure as a leader. In these nations, terror is present in concentration camps, in indoctrination measures towards the people and in political and secret security organizations.
In this case, power is held by a person or a political elite after the holding of democratic elections. The civil liberties are limited by the government who believes that any kind of confrontation with the state or its institutions is taken as treason.
This regime is exercised directly by God, through a ruler who represents the interests of a specific divinity, the state and religion are on an equal footing, this type of mandate is the oldest in history.
This regime at first glance is a government that respects the Constitution, but in reality all power is held over the figure of a dictator. It controls all the country's institutions through what is known as constitutional fraud.
It is a dictatorship where the institutions in charge of governing the country are controlled by the armed forces, who are in charge of paralyzing any attempt at democratic control, through the use of force and coming to power through a coup or a military pronouncement.
Autocracy is a type of government in which the supreme power of the State is centralized in a single person, who cannot be contradicted or questioned about their decisions, and is not subject to any type of control. This person is called an Autocrat.
This system of government is compared to the old absolutist monarchies, where power was only exercised by the monarch or king. An example of this is the form of government that reigned in Tsarist Russia between the 17th and 20th centuries.
Autocratic governments can come to power through coups, but they can also do so through democratic elections and then they change their orientation until the establishment of an autocratic regime.
Some characteristics of the autocracies are:
- They do not recognize any type of independence or political autonomy, or personal, much less of some type of organization.
- There are no guarantees of civil, social or political rights.
- Autocrats are not responsible to society, they act without regulations, they do not accept being subjected to the control of the citizenry, there is no law above this ruler.
- There is no freedom of information or of the press and the rights of association are eliminated.
- At the level of economic policy, the production of the private sector and the power of the market are eliminated, this brings as a consequence low levels of competition, since most of the companies belong to the State.
- There is no possibility of enjoying political rights, nor free elections.
- They use violence and repression to eliminate any type of organization attempt.
The monarchy is a type of government where the highest office or supreme position of a State is for life and is designated, generally, through an inheritance. This form of government is framed as the oldest in history, its territories are called "kingdom" and fully belong to the highest president called "King".
This can be seen as a form of government that has drawn both praise and criticism throughout history and has played a crucial role in governments around the world. A state organization that revolves around the figure of a king who has acquired power in a hereditary or fiscal way.
There are five types of monarchies that are:
Liberal monarchy
This regime was established in European countries after the Napoleonic wars whose foundation was the distribution of power between the king and a large popular representation.
Absolute monarchy
In this type of regime all powers are granted to the king without limitations. All political aspects of society are controlled by the monarch and he is imposed in a divine way, which means, imposed by God. An example of this is the form of government of Louis XIV of France called the King of the Sun.
Parliamentary monarchy
Regime in which the king is shown as a symbol of the unity and permanence of the State and as the moderator of democratic institutions. A model in which sovereignty resides in the will of the people and in which the person in charge of the Executive Power is the President of the Government. This is the case of Spain with King Felipe VI as Head of State and Pedro Sanchez as President of the Government.
Constitutional monarchy
This form of government is protected under a constitution and where sovereignty resides in the people. The role of the king is based on mediation and intervention in military and social conflicts.
Hybrid monarchy
This type of regime is at a midpoint between the constitutional and absolute monarchy, that is, the king is obliged to cede part of his power to democratic governments, despite maintaining his political influence.
Democracy is a form of government where citizens elect their leaders or rulers, who will represent them in the conduct of the country. This election is made through free vote and those elected by the majority of votes must act as indicated by the Constitution of the State or Nation.
Democracy is currently considered one of the most effective and just systems of government, where most of the people are in charge of directing their own future. The opposite of democracy is a dictatorship, in which power resides in one or more people, who make decisions without taking into account the voice of the people.
Democratic governments must have as their main objective, guarantee equal rights among citizens. These rights include citizen participation, free thought, free expression, ability to choose representatives, free action, free association and acquisition.
Some characteristics of democracy.
- Individual freedom.
- Freedom of association and political belligerence.
- Respect for human rights enshrined in the United Nations.
- Presence of multiple political parties.
- Alternation of power.
- Equality before the law.
- Freedom of the press, opinion and political news.
- Limitation of the power of the rulers.
- Distribution of power in different social actors.
Feudalism is a social system, which belonged to Eastern Europe during the Middle Ages, later it was used to decentralize political power and thus allow to extend the power of the leaders of the bourgeoisie to the nobility. This political system was granted through legal agreements between free men or peasants and the lords of power called feudal.
Feudalism has been from ancient times to the present, a mode of production that creates a relationship of dependency on the peasant, while the latter works the land, the owner manages it and increases their wealth.
Some characteristics of feudalism are:
- The basis of wealth depended on the extent of the land and the work of the peasants.
- The fiefdom only allowed the production of what he needed.
- Agriculture was the basis of production.
- There was no trade because there was no excess production.
- There was no type of currency in circulation.
- This system was closed, that is, socially it was very difficult to ascend.
The republic is a form of state organization. In the republic, the highest authority is elected by the citizens directly or through Parliament (whose members are also elected by the population). The president of the republic remains in power for a specified time.
The main channel of citizen participation in the republic is the vote. The elections must be free and the vote, secret. In this way, citizens can exercise their participation without pressure or conditioning.
Essential characteristics of a republic.
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- It is an organized government and the powers are divided according to their functions, legislative, judicial and executive power.
- The republic may or may not be federal, depending on the level of autonomy of its provinces, states and regions, all linked to the federal government, but independence varies according to the country.
- This political system can be representative as it is in the United States or parliamentary, such as in the United Kingdom.
- In the republic, sovereignty lies in the people who live in that society and it is believed that they are capable of self-government, for this reason there are a series of beliefs that make life together easier, based on the love of freedom.
The term progressivism defines the ideology that believes in social development through scientific, technological and economic advances. In general, and today, the term is a dissimulation with which cultural Marxists and supporters of the political left identify with the intention of showing that their ideas are in favor of a supposed "progress".
Historically, it has been composed of the doctrines of cultural liberalism and socialism. The term has been conceptualized as the opposite of conservatism, although it is an oversimplification.
The progressives seek to modify the current situation with the objective of "change for change"; in which the change is something positive in itself. There is no more theoretical support than this nonsensical statement, with religion for progressives being one of the biggest obstacles to achieving this goal.
What is the political spectrum
Political spectrum is a visual arrangement applied to organizations and groups according to their conceptual foundations. This order is conditioned according to the social and historical situations and the party model of a society.
There are various kinds of political spectra according to the conceptual foundation they adopt. The best known is the left-right axis.
In contemporary Western countries, the political spectrum is generally described along a line running from right to left. This traditional political spectrum is defined along an axis with conservatism and theocracy "the right" at one extreme and socialism and communism "the left."
In North America and Europe, the term liberalism refers to a wide range of political positions, often seen as divergent between the United States and the rest of the world. Liberals consider themselves more of the left in the United States and more of the right in most countries.
The right is always the sector of the party associated with the interests of the upper or ruling classes, the left of the sector of the lower classes economically or socially, and the center of the middle classes.
Mexican political system
Mexico is a Federalist, Constitutionalist and Democratic Republic governed by the rule of law, made up of 32 states led by governors. The head of government is elected universally and directly through suffrage and is in charge of forming said government.
Being governed by a State of Law, the government is divided into three powers that are in charge of ensuring that no person or institution can have total control of the country, these are:
1. Executive, President and Governors: those who are in charge of managing public resources so that they are translated into benefits for Mexicans.
2. Legislative, Congress of the Union and State Congresses: they are in charge of the elaboration of the laws.
3. Judicial: It is responsible for ensuring that the laws are fully complied with.
It is democratic because its system allows citizens to organize themselves, participate in politics and decision-making, that is, democracy grants political right and power to citizens, for this reason when they elect their leaders they do so with opinion of the majorities.
It is a Federal Republic, whose political components or political division of Mexico is 31 States or federative entities and a Federal District, where they enjoy certain autonomy to have their own Legislative, Executive and Judicial powers, and where their representatives are freely chosen by the citizens.
The Political Constitution of the United Mexican States is the highest law that governs the social, economic and political life of Mexico. This was amended, between the years 2012-2018, by means of a decree published in the Diario de la Federación (DOF), adding in subsection C to article 26 of the Constitution, indicating that the State will have a National Council for the Evaluation of the Social Development Policy (CONEVAL) it will be an autonomous body, with its own assets and legal personality.
In short, there is a policy for everything, the foundations of the laws that govern the policies of a country, political institutions, the policies of a company, where the community or society is a key element for their development and advancement. This concept of politics is the target of criticism from many fields of social life, it must remain a slave to its moral principles in the face of so much war and lack of peace in the world.