The word ponderation derives from the Latin “ponderatĭo, -ōnis” which in the real academy defines it as “the attention, appreciation, weight and care with what is said or done something”, This means that the weighting is something usual that They are used in the banking, financial, quoted, and credit markets, because they talk about the weighting of companies or shares with respect to the index that is established as a comparison with the volume traded, either positive or negative according to as it is expressed.
The weighting also helps to calculate or evaluate something having as a reference different types of parameters according to those that are going to be weighted, which is not only assigned a value or appreciation at a moral or subjective level that can trigger a monetary and economic value.
In the area of mathematics, weighting is a measure of central tendency that is convenient when a set of data has a corresponding value with respect to the other data, this is obtained by multiplying each of the data by its weighting or weight to later be able to do so. add, thus achieving a balanced sum, after this procedure is performed it is divided with the result that gave the sum of the weights, thus giving the result of the weighted average.
The weighting system of the student centers' grades are based on the weighting parameter in order to assign a particular weight to each of the exams that influences the average grade, these results are added and divided in order to have all the notes.