
What is postumism? »Its definition and meaning


At the beginning of the 20th century there was a resurgence of poetry through a wide range of streams. Among them, it is worth highlighting the Generation of 27, modernism and avant-garde poetry in its different manifestations (surrealism, futurism, Dadaism, ultraism). A revolution in poetic creation also took place in Latin America, and postumism was one of the most original currents of that historical moment.

Postumism is a literary movement in which the rhyme is abandoned, the rhythm is disordered, and ideas are expressed as they occur in the writer's mind. It could be defined as a simple, honest and not far-fetched communication. This movement emerged as a weapon of denunciation and social reproach to the American occupation.

The postumistas rallied around Domingo Moreno Jimenes, and published their ideas in the magazine “El Día Estético”.

The most important character in this movement is Moreno Jiménez. This was born in 1894 in Santo Domingo. He began teaching at a very young age, becoming director of the Sabaneta Graduate School (Santiago Rodríguez) twice (1918 and 1926) and a teacher at the San Pedro de Macorís Normal School. He also directed the Osvaldo Bazil Poetry Institute (1950-1970), founded at his request in San Cristóbal by the dictator Rafael Leónidas Trujillo Molina. This poet in free verse is the one with a major work, more than fifty titles, some of them are: "Promises", "Reintegrated daughter poems", "My old dead man" and "Words in the water".

Sus comienzos revelan un énfasis marcadamente modernista, aunque siempre ajeno al deslumbramiento verbal. Sus primeros versos fueron publicados en las revistas Páginas, Renacimiento y Letras.