This is a word that has its etymological origins in the Latin word praeparatio , made up of the prefix prae which means (before or before), the verb parare which means (to make, arrange, or leave ready) and the suffix tio which refers to (action and effect). What indicates that a preparation is what is done before disposing of something, that is, what is left ready for possibly immediate or prolonged use, everything will depend on the situation.
A preparation is a process that is done before carrying out a specific activity, for example in the kitchen the specific activity would be the dish to be tasted, but the preparation is all those steps that are carried out to be able to reach it successfully, that is, It is the mixture of ingredients to satisfactorily make a more elaborate and complex meal, for this it is necessary to prepare both utensils such as pots, knives, cutting boardsetc. Like that of foods such as vegetables, meats, among others. Normally when an activity is carried out which requires organization and planning, a series of steps or processes are carried out which serve as a guide, and in this way the desired results can be obtained, that is what a preparation refers to.
The fact of preparing something also has to do with its manufacture, since a procedure is always carried out before obtaining the final result of what we are looking for. Another situation that could be used as an example would be the fact that a person is going to repair an electronic device, he would prepare all his implements and work tools before carrying out said activity.
We also called preparation knowledge acquired by a human being during his academic studies, specializing in a particular subject, and it is the state that is needed for example to a subject having good preparation under construction to make the building that needed. Although it is necessary to emphasize that preparation goes far beyond study or theoretical knowledge, it also has to do with the practice that is acquired along the way.