The word prescription is a concept with different meanings depending on the case. In law, prescription consists of the formalization of a factual situation over time, which produces the acquisition or termination of an obligation. In medicine, prescribing is the action taken by a physician when recommending medications that his patient should take as part of the treatment of a disease or health disorder.
In Civil, Commercial and Administrative Law, the Prescription is the means of acquiring a right or being released from an obligation due to the passage of time determined by law, and which is variable depending on whether it is movable or immovable property and also according to what whether or not it is in good faith and with a fair title. There are two types of prescriptions:
- The expiry prescription is the way to extinguish actions related to property rights due to the inactivity of the creditor and the passage of time. It is also known as a Release Prescription.
- The acquisitive prescription is the means to acquire a property right of the property to continue the possession in the time and other requirements indicated by the law. It is also known as usucapion. This kind of prescription will be developed in the note of the usucaption.
The prescription of drugs, on the other hand, is made in a medical prescription, this is a legal document that can only be written by a medical professional. A pharmacist, in this way, can sell drugs (which include different drugs) only to the person who shows a medical prescription, since this is the proof of the prescription was made by a medical professional.
In the prescription, the pharmacological treatment must specify the drug to be used with its generic pharmacological component, trade name and the presentation to be used (capsules, tablets, syrup, suppository, cream, ointment, gel, patch, ampoule, etc.), the route by which it must be administered (oral, topical, intramuscular, rectal, vaginal, intravenous, etc.), the dosage of the presentation, the dose to be administered, the interval between the doses and the days on which it must be administered. This information should also establish the relationship between taking medications and meals; In the event that several medications are prescribed, it should be clarified whether they can be taken together or a gap should be allowed between them.