The term is used in our language to express that a person is in a certain place and also to indicate that something exists in a place and at a certain time.
The notion of presence, on the other hand, indicates what the appearance of a person or thing looks like. The “good appearance” is associated with beauty, elegance, neatness or elegance: “I love Javier's presence: he always wears a suit and uses gel in his hair”, “He is asked for it for administrative tasks. Requirements: computer skills, command of English and good presence "," The Eiffel Tower has an imposing presence in the center of Paris ".
The concept of good presence, on the other hand, is subjective, since it responds to a series of conventions and, why not, to the whims of each person or organization that demands it or ensures that it is noticed by others. In general, both in Western and Eastern cultures, they dress in suits, wear a tie, wear short hair (for men) or collected (for women), in addition to respecting personal hygiene and showing a certain posture and a way of speaking and addressing others is synonymous with good presence.
We must emphasize that "Presence" is the title of a mental health nursing digital magazine, which is published every six months and which aims to address from different areas what would be the care of people who have mental problems or illnesses.
In the workplace, the subject of presence is usually given a lot of value. It is important by case when applying for a job that is crowded with a good presence to make a good impression on employers or fail on those who have the power to decide. It can happen that someone is overqualified for a position, but if you do not like their presence, you can lose the possibility of keeping the job in front of another individual who wants to.
On the other hand, it is important that we take care of our presence when we attend certain places and events that require certain observation of the dress codes, especially so as not to collide or be discriminated against.