The term prohibition is defined as the limitation that a subject has to touch, use and perform something. The prohibitions are usually supported by laws or regulations, which are set by the state, through the judiciary, which is in charge of applying the corresponding sanctions in the event that said laws are violated. Laws tell individuals what they can and cannot do, within the limits imposed by society. Actions such as stealing, selling narcotics, driving a car without a license, etc. They are within the behaviors and acts prohibited by law.
Prohibitions allow society to set limits on the execution of certain activities, in order to avoid anarchy and to achieve a harmonious coexistence between people; since if all the individuals did what they wanted, it would be a big problem, since all the people are different and clearly what they like, others do not like.
In public spaces, it is common to see many prohibitions, since being a public place, it is traveled by many kinds of people, so if you want to maintain order, it is necessary that there are specific prohibitions and exposed to the view of all, for example: signs where smoking is forbidden, bans on parking in front of a garage, bans on stepping on the grass, performing physiological needs on the street, etc. On the other hand, when a person feels attacked or harassed by another, this can request a prohibition measure so that said person cannot approach him, in this case it would be a judge who determines such prohibition.
It is very important to note that the fact that there are prohibitions does not mean that actions such as stealing do not take place, for example, since currently we live in a society where there are individuals who do not obey a simple rule, the truth is that prohibitions They give a little order to coexistence in society, and privacy to those who ignorance violate some of the prevailing prohibitions.