
What is prolong? »Its definition and meaning


The word prolong comes from the Latin ´´ prolong ´ which refers to the manifestation of something extending or making it last; its lexical components are the prefix ´´pro´´, which indicates that it is forward and ´´longus´´ means length, the suffix ´´ar´´ is the ending used to form verbs, mostly the word prolong is used in two senses on the one hand refers to space and on the other associated with time.

This word also makes its appearance in the meteorological service, which refers to the discipline that studies the phenomena of the atmosphere when it announces adverse weather conditions for several days, that is when it speaks of temporary extensions.

When we refer to time and space, it can be said that when a person has a conversation on the phone, they have the power to prolong what they want and say the moment when they want to end the telephone contact.

Regarding space, it can be said that if a room in a house is enlarged, it is said that it has been extended in order to obtain space, where it should be noted that the term expand is one of the most commonly used synonyms of the word prolong and is the one that precisely indicates the enlargement of a space.

In the field of architecture is where the full meaning of the word prolong is most found because it is the discipline that formally deals with the prolongation or expansion of the space of a house, an office, an apartment, etc.