This is a chemical element belonging to the group of lanthanides, its main characteristic being the light irradiation of a whitish blue color and in the dark this light has a greenish appearance, this happens due to its high capacity to emit high power rays for this reason its handling must be very cautious.
The curious thing about this rare earth is that its production is solely and exclusively artificially due to the fact that it is not found under any circumstances in the earth's crust, its obtaining is carried out by means of the conjugation of uranium with neodymium or also by bombarding to said element with neutrons increasing its atomic charge, thus generating this product with an atomic number of 61, atomic weight of 14 and is represented by the initials Pm.
He promised his name was given to him for his ability to emit light, honoring the god named in Greek mythology Prometheus who according to history was the one who taught the power of fire to men. The uses that man makes of this chemical material is directed more to the industrial and nuclear field, being the basis for the manufacture of batteries that work with nuclear energy, this type of battery will take the power issued in the degradation time of the promised to obtain of light using a phosphor, this light phenomenon would be transformed into energy by an electrical deviceSimilar to a solar panel, this intensity would last approximately 6 years. Another use in which the promise is applied is as a portable source of X-rays, especially for electric generators that it supplies to satellites or space probes as well as submarines.
Like any radioactive material, promethium has different adverse or harmful effects for human health, thus being a powerful lesion of the respiratory and liver system like the entire group of lanthanides, however due to its high radiation it can also injure the skin if it has been exposed for a long time. At an environmental level it also provides different harmful effects, especially in water, in aquatic animals it causes damage to their reproduction mechanism and neurological level.