Forecast is a word that comes from the Latin "prognosticum", it refers to the advance knowledge of what may happen in the future through some signs, symptoms, suspicions, intuitions, previous history, studies carried out, among others, which begins be made according to advertisement.
The forecast concept is common in meteorology. The forecasts are reported that, according to the analysis of the meteorological conditions, reveal what will happen to the climate in the coming days. In this way, the forecast can predict whether the days will be sunny or rainy, announce that hail will fall, prevent if there will be strong winds, etc. Evaluated that it is necessary to use several devices and satellites, it is based on scientific information, the weather forecast is not guaranteed, since the environments can vary without previous signs.
In medicine, the prognosis, usually of a disease, is the fusion of antecedents that medical science has about the possibility of certain situations occurring in the time or natural history of the disease. It is the prophecy of the events that will occur in the progress of a disease in statistical methods. It is a prototype of clinical judgment.
The forecast has been developed towards the application plan industry in the daily market forecast. The application of the demand plan also refers to the forecast of the series of supplies. So we say that forecasts are critical and consistent methods that are required to achieve good results during the organization of a project. If we catalog them with respect to the period they reach, it can be classified into:
- Short-term forecasts: In modern companies, this kind of forecast is executed every month or in fewer days, and its planning period is valid for one year. It is applied for programs of provision, production, assignment of work to the payroll of workers, and planning of the manufacturing offices.
- Medium-term forecasts: this includes a time of six months to three years. This is managed to evaluate sales plans, manufacturing, cash outflow and inflow, and budget preparation.
- Long-term forecasting: This class is used in new investment scheduling, materials technology trends, new product launches, methods and products, as well as project preparation.