The word property comes from the Latin '' proprietas '' is a word that is formed from the union of three clearly delimited parts such as the prefix- "pro" which is equivalent to forward movements, the adjective "privus" which means, of only one and the suffix- "tas" which means quality.
We use this three element to refer to something, which has the quality of having it, without the limitations imposed by the law that gives its owner the ability to freely dispose of the object.
The property describes the right or the power of human beings, to take the property of one thing that can encompass something that is framed within the limits of the law, such as a home, car, an attribute or individual quality, can be sympathy, talent and respect, etc.
The property is the immediate direct power over an object that the owner will show that will allow him to freely dispose of it as long as it is within the legal framework.
The right to own ownership is not only to take into account each national constitution of each country, but also in conventions, pacts and international treaties such as the universal chlorination of human rights, promulgated in 1948 within the UN.
This allows that in the event that another attacks or damages it, they can claim or denounce through the courts those who commit the real right to use, enjoy and dispose of the things of the determined property, both movable and immovable.