
What is protein? »Its definition and meaning


The origin of the word protein comes from the Greek "Proteos" which means first or fundamental. Proteins are macromolecules (very large molecules), which are formed or are born from the union of other types of molecules, which are called amino acids. These large molecules are the main source of nutrition so that the muscles of the body can be formed in the best way, they also have the property of regenerating and forming new cells and transporting oxygen.

These macromolecules are formed from a linear structure of amino acid molecules that have the ability to join through peptide bonds. Each type of protein has specific functions, for example some serve as transport, that is, they are responsible for carrying various substances to the blood, such as hemoglobin, which transfers oxygen to the tissues and is also responsible for collecting carbon dioxide. carbon to carry it to the lungs so that it can be eliminated. Another is the case of proteins that are responsible for genetics, establishing DNA replication. There are defensive proteins such as antibodies, there are also regulatory proteins such as insulin necessary to regulate theglycemia or level of sugar that is present in the blood. On the other hand there are the catalysts that allow some biochemical process, such as digestive enzymes that help the body to obtain from them the various nutrients it needs through the digestion process.

There is a classification of proteins depending on the physical and chemical properties that they present, in the first place there are the simple proteins also called holoproteids, which have a composition only of amino acids, on the other hand there are conjugated or heteroprotein proteins, apart from being made up of amino acids, it also has the presence of various substances and finally there are derived proteins that are formed by denaturation or splitting of some other compound.

The body obtains the proteins it needs through food, it is important to note that different types of food provide different types of protein, the consumption of dairy products, vegetables, meats and legumes provide different proteins useful for the development of the body