
What is Prussianism? »Its definition and meaning


It is a military and political movement that originated in Prussia, which was considered one of the most important centers of mobilization of soldiers and armaments in old Europe. Likewise, it was also one of the great powers, not only because it was a mobilization point, it was also famous for the quality of its military forces. It is understood, for the most part, as an ideology put into practice by the generals, especially during the First and Second World Wars, in which the Germans identified with this philosophy due to the influence of figures such as Hitler, who reorganized the extinct Prussian army, which had been destroyed after World War I and the Treaty of Versailles.

However, the history of Prussianism is not complete without the history of how it came to be. Prussia was one of the best countries in military matters thanks to its kings, like Guillermo I, Federico Guillermo II and Federico II, who had great gifts at the time of planning attack strategies and carrying them out. Their lands extended to the Baltic Sea and bordered countries such as Holland and Belgium. It was one of the most important points for Germany to be able to unify in 1871; Besides this, it was also an administrative district during the Second World War, becoming, at the end of this, part of France, Great Britain, the United States and the Soviet Union.

For all the wars in which this ideology was used as a central point, it has been defined as the meddling attitude of the military in political action, just as a government founded on centralism and exaggerated authority proposes.