The word childcare comes from the Latin “puer, child, and -culture”, it means “ science that is responsible for the healthy development of the child in the physical during the first years of life ”. The childcare is a specialty that is within the field of medicine, which is responsible for developing plans to give a great care to small, many informally named as the art of parenting. The childcare is based on caring for the baby in their physical, aspect psychic and socialduring the first years of the child's life, but also all the rules are made known and put into practice to be able to prevent diseases and ensure the perfect organic, vital, functional, somatic development of a child.
Childcare sees the development of the child's growth, their care and the main diseases they confront, but counting on the best treatments for these diseases, this means that childcare wants to make known in depth how healthy a child can be, in order to determine the diseases.
The childcare is committed to getting the ills of life of children, and will be responsible to implement and publicize all the tactics and rules so you can ward off diseases and thus ensuring the perfect psychological development of the small and capacities will be the main obsessions of childcare.
Because these problems arise in kindergartens, clinics, schools and all those organizations or establishments where children are found, the presence of individuals with extensive knowledge and ideas in the field of childcare will be essential.