The word Point is associated with a wide range of topics so its concept is versatile when it comes to using it. The point is nothing more than the simplest of representations of an object in a given space. The point always refers to the specification of the location of a body. Point, as they represent it in geometry, it constitutes a dimensionless symbol but it can contain relevant information about the location and coordinates that it has, which are useful to complement or solve a geometric or design problem. The representation of a point in the geometric space will be given according to the nomenclature used in the field to be studied, generally it is associated with a small round of the filling or an X (X) at whose intersection is exactly the point of study. It is also known in geometry and in construction and design matters such as Drawing and Descriptive Geometry that a succession of points make a line, which can have infinite shapes and dimensions.
The point in terms of language and writing is an orthographic sign, used to separate sentences and ideas that, although they belong to the same topic, are not related in context, so they must be distanced with a brief pause in writing. The period and its uses in spelling are multiple, since a period and followed separates one idea from another, keeping the same paragraph in continuity, instead a period and apart, marks the end of a paragraph and in some cases, the end of an idea.
When a paper or processed exhibition, in which he exposes on various themes and topics, this is divided into phases called points, in order to make an effective administration of the topic, which achieves better emission of ideas to expose.
En términos generales, el punto se refiere a una marca, a una representación, a un cambio de dirección, a un símbolo que denota básicamente el fin de algo, o la ubicación de un ente con referencias, este símbolo universal es conocido en cada lengua y cada idioma del mundo, ya que es genérico y representa lo mismo a pesar que los caracteres que lo rodean sean diferentes.