
What is punctuality? »Its definition and meaning


The word punctuality is derived from the word point, and this in turn comes from the Latin "punctum" which means "small mark or instant". To be able to speak of punctuality, it is necessary to indicate that it is measured with time and this in turn with an instrument, the clock. The punctuality is the ability or attitude that is characteristic of a responsible person (as far as time is concerned) at the time of a task, which plays in the time it previously raised.

The fact of being a punctual person means that you have the virtue of having chronological coordination under control to be able to carry out the tasks that you have wanted to carry out established time. Example “ the teacher indicated on the first day of class that it is necessary to be punctual at the time of entry ”, “ José is very late when arriving at work, the boss will end up firing him ”.

The timeliness not only refers to the end a raised working previously in time, it also refers to the reach a site at the preset time, for example if you have an appointment will leave much to be desired from a person if you're tardy. On many occasions, punctuality is seen and appreciated as an ethical and moral value, so at the same time, the fact of having the anti-value of tardiness is considered a lack of respect (towards the person who is made to wait), in societies Modern time management must be a quality of relevance.