This is a phrase from Latin that when translated means: "a favor, for a favor"; In other words, it represents a reciprocity agreement between two parties to exchange tangible and intangible objects of similar value. Quid pro quo agreements may or may not be honest and legal; This will depend on whether the acts involved represent a violation of monetary trust or of the rules dictated, to ensure impartiality to avoid fraud.
The expression quid pro quo can be interpreted as:
One in exchange for another, with equal value.
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
Originally, the meaning of this Latinism arose by mistake when applied as a figure of reciprocity in an explicit and implicit agreement, when exchanging favors or any other kind of social or interpersonal relationship, mainly in agreements where there must be benefits or equivalent deliveries for each party.
As already mentioned, this phrase meant the grammatical error of using the Latin pronoun "quid" as a nominative subject, replacing "quo" as an ablative subject, from which the interpretation closest to the origin is derived, which is: A mistake that involves changing one thing for another or one person for another.
Quid pro quo situations can also be found in cases of sexual harassment, unfortunately it is very common (today) that a person is blackmailed in order to obtain a job, a promotion or any other benefit, labor, in exchange for a sexual favor.
There are many contexts where this expression is used: in politics, economics, commerce, in short, in all aspects of daily life the quid pro quo is applied.