Qutbism (also known as jihadist Salafism), is a way of propagating the laws established in the Muslim religion, generally this way of increasing the number of believers in Muhammad is practiced in the Shiite region (or Shi'ism); The inhabitants of this part of Islam have based their faith in Ali as Muhammad's successor in the mandate of Islam, since he was taken from them by numerous incidents driving away the royal blood of the caliphate. This prophetic branch was born in the 1980s, specifically during the years when a war was fought.with Afghanistan and the Soviet association to prevent the invasion of its oil lands; This current of Salafism moves away from the action totally restricted to just speaking and trying to convince through the word the wonders that the Muslim faith grants, on the contrary they promote the practice of Jihad and also generate the promotion of holy war (conflict that is caused by differences between religions).
Specifically, Qutbism presents an ideology of armed combat to protect the beliefs of its Muslim people, moving away from any foreign invasion, being the main exponents of what is known as revolution; Another purpose of this practice is to achieve the overthrow of governments in order to establish Islamic states, which will be under the command of groups practicing terrorism (example: ISIS movement). For religious extremists, pseudo-Salafism (synonymous with Qutbism), who defend the peaceful movement away from any violent action where only language is used to achieve communication, are traitors of the Islamic state with little Muslim identity who surely work for the services of the United States, serving as spies to be able to sell their lands for a few dollars.
Therefore, those who practice Qutbism fervently defend that their mission in the world is to impose through violent acts, the conceptualization of Islam as a land only for Muslims, this being the main argument used by terrorist movements such as ISIS to execute all those actions that have claimed innumerable human lives, being condemned to death all those beings who refuse to swear allegiance in front of their caliphs and the sacred commandments of Muhammad.