It is known as rank to the classification that is made to a person based on the economic, professional or social situation, in other words it is a position obtained by the person within an organization based on different variables, such as those previously mentioned. Although it is a term applied to refer to the level at which a person is, in many Latin countries such as Ecuador it is also applied to indicate a row of schoolchildren who are under an impeccable alignment.
Following the first concept, this word is mostly applied to the field of the militia, which build under a military rank a hierarchy system to classify the command within what are the armed forces of a nation; the way to indicate what rank each soldier has is through the use of symbolic insignia attached to the shoulders or chest of the uniform of the person in question. In this area, the ranges are correctly defined and well framed, in this way the identification of four hierarchical groups within which to maintain the system they have their own ranges, which are:
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- General Officers: within this group in hierarchical order are: Captain, General, Lieutenant, General in division and finally Brigade.
- Officers: these are classified as Colonel, Lieutenant, Commander in Chief, Captain in Chief and Ensign.
- Non-commissioned officers: within the sub-ranks of this division you can see the majority noncommissioned officer, second lieutenant, brigadier, First Sergeant and Sergeant.
- Troop: The ranks of this group are Corporal Major, Corporal First, Corporal, Private First, and Private.
Another professional field where the terminology "range" is applied is in statistics, but this has a totally different meaning; According to statistics, the range is known as the amplitude of a variable in the study of a phenomenon in question, from its lower limit to its higher limit. In other words, the interval that has the relevant data for the graph is known as the range, within which it is made up of its minimum value and the maximum value.