Raptor is a qualifying adjective that is mainly used in two very different ways, on the one hand, those individuals who are inclined to criminal actions are often called raptors, if it is a criminal and unique action or behavior, it will be said that it is a child. His predatory action is his main problem, believing that he had nothing to do with the robbery. And the other use that is given to the term appears in zoology, since it designates those birds that include falconiform and strigiform orders. Therefore, everything that is appropriate and relative to them will be described as a child. The eagle is a faithful exponent of a bird of prey.
Meanwhile, birds of prey are those birds that hunt their food through their curved beak, hard in appearance that ends in tips and especially their claws, very, very sharp, they will be the ones that act as prey in their captures.
Birds of prey are often distinguished into birds of prey by day and birds of prey by night. Among the diurnal ones, the following stand out: eagle, osprey, goshawks, hawks, vultures from the old world, falcons, alcotanes, kestrels, mermaids, secretaries and vultures from the new world; and among the nocturnal: owls, owls, and owls.
Falconry is the formal name that hunting receives through predatory birds. The above is an activity that developed thousands of years ago, approximately 4,000 years ago, and was very common during the Middle Ages. Then it gradually declined, disappearing directly in the 17th century. Meanwhile, the Spanish ecologist Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente was the modern promoter of this activity, as well as being the world's leading expert on birds of prey.
In addition to the above, we cannot ignore the fact that, as a general rule, birds of prey are divided into two main groups:
- The nocturnal or strigiform, which are great hunters, very solitary and, as their name suggests, carry out nocturnal activities. They can feed on other birds, small mammals, insects, and even fish. Within this group, in turn, there are two types: strict, such as owls, which are made up of up to two hundred different species and eat invertebrates or small invertebrates; and titonids, such as owls.