The word race comes from the Latin "radius" (ray referring to the hereditary line) or " radix " (root). It refers to a group of humans characterized by the same physical trait, skin color or physiognomy that is transmitted from generation to generation. Referring to the human race, these characters may not refer to linguistic or cultural ones, which are called ethnicity. Due to a process of crossbreeding of great amplitude and equal complexity, there is no pure race worldwide.
Due to the color of the skin, the color of the hair, facial features and the shape of the skull, the races that are fundamental are divided into 3 (three): the white: among the most important is the Alpine and the Nordic. The African black woman: that among her is the Sudanese and Nilotic. The yellow: among others we find the Mongolian and the Indonesian.
Historically, the so-called castes are described (race and caste are names for animals or humans but the first is generated by science and the second is not) that are variations or very varied racial crosses among them we find.
Mestizo: son of white with Indian.
Criollo: son of Spaniards born in the new world.
Zambo: son of black with Indian.
Cambujo: son of Chinese with Indian.
Mulatto: son of black with white.
Also it called race to the group in which are subdivided some species of plants or animals consisting of physical or behavioral characteristics such as: the large breeds of dogs, horses, cats, etc.