Protected areas are nothing more than those spaces that, thanks to their characteristics and conditions, are protected by the State or environmental entities so that man does not intervene directly with it and thus be able to conserve it. They are generally large tracts of land where species in danger of extinction or cultural heritages live.
That is why these types of areas must be very well managed and must take the utmost care to prevent their naturalness from being affected. It is up to the State to provide the adequate means to satisfy the needs and protection of the area.
It is not a secret that the intervention of the hand of man is very harmful and more when it attempts with certain spaces worthy of its conservation, that is why the authorities must be very vigilant so that the natural and cultural heritages are preserved.
There are different types of protected areas and they are classified as follows:
National Park: these are areas where one or more ecosystems coexist and that are not significantly altered by the hand of man. These types of areas have both plant and animal species, as well as scientific, educational and recreational interest.
Natural monument: these are areas that have specific natural elements of national interest, contain natural and plant species and the intervention of man is to a very small degree.
Protected landscape: it can be a terrestrial or marine territory, which has been intervened by man in a significant way and thanks to this the State seeks to protect it.
Protection sites: these are small areas that have significant value, either because of their flora, fauna or because they play an important role in the biological cycle of certain species.
There are several aspects that determine a protected area or area, the most prominent are: presence of plant and animal species in danger of extinction, habitats that are of scientific, recreational or educational interest, spaces where there is extreme beauty, areas that are of vital importance for the ecosystem so their elimination would bring an imbalance and archaeological zones.