The word reunion is formed by the prefix re, which indicates repetition, and encounter in its meaning of union or coincidence between two people. The reunion shows the meeting of two people or a group of friends for a particular reason, therefore, if two people have not seen each other for a certain time and one day they meet, it is a moment of reunion between them.
For there to be a reunion, there must first be some kind of separation or distancing. Let us suppose that two young people are raised together in Chile until one of them, when he turns 14, emigrates with his family to Italy. Ten years later, he returns to his country home and is back with his childhood friend. Then there is the reunion of both.
The reunion does not have to occur voluntarily, or at least not as a result of the will of all parties involved. On the one hand, it can happen simply by chance, a day in which everyone is in the same geographic location at the same time; This, in turn, can lead to a happy, tense or sad moment, among other possibilities, according to the wishes that each one has to see others.
But, in addition to the case where all the people who have stopped seeing try to make the meeting, there is also the possibility that one of them will do what they can to avoid it or simply ignore the situation and stand aside. A reunion in which not everyone is happy to see each other can be very unpleasant and accentuate the reasons that caused the estrangement in the beginning, or become an unexpected opportunity to resolve differences and restore the relationship.
There are emotional reunions, for example, the reunion of loved ones who return home during the Christmas holidays after a time of absence. There are reunions that bring hope: as evidenced by the support of one friend for another who is suffering. There are meetings motivated by sadness: the funeral of a person dismissed by their loved ones and friends.
From the spiritual point of view, it is also possible to talk about the personal reunion with God that the believer experiences through their prayer spaces. In this case, it is a spiritual reunion.