It is defined as the set of materials that come together in a propitious way, to generate a closed space that protects the individual who uses it from the dangers of nature, either the ferocity of animals or climates that suggest a risk.
It is common to call this way a place in which a person usually stays, where he finds satisfaction for carrying out activities in complete solitude and gives himself time to reflect; basically, it refers to trying to hide from the outside world and the stress it represents. The word refers to the Latin word “refugeĭum” , whose meaning is the same that is maintained today.
Even in the most remote times of human history, the early "men" looked for small caverns in which to take refuge from the rains, winds and others. At the beginning, they did not settle in one place, they preferred to travel through valleys, forests and coasts, although, after finding areas where they could easily access water and food, they decided to settle and form small villages, creating hierarchical and support systems. Starting from there, the concept of houses, indispensable today, used for protection against natural phenomena and social problems, such as crime, began.
During the expeditions, the participants take with them tents provided with the necessary supplies to be comfortable during their stay. Although, on some occasions, individuals who seek to experience great adventures, only pack one or two tools that would serve to build a shelter with branches and leaves with large dimensions, which would achieve the feeling of being as in ancient times.