In mathematical terms, a type of methodology used to solve certain linearity problems between more than three values and one unknown is known as the rule of three. This is the basic teaching element used by teachers in their math classes. This method is very easy to understand and can be an excellent technique when solving some problems that arise in everyday life and that need its application to solve them.
Three types of rules of three can be known: simple, simple direct, simple inverse and compound.
The simple rule of three is the one that is used the most and is used to determine the linear link between two terms. For example, if with a kilo of wheat flour, I prepare 2 cakes, with 5 kilos, how many cakes will be made.
1 = 2
5 = X
5 x 2 = 1 x X
10 = X
As could be seen in the previous example, if with 1 kilo you make 2 cakes, with 5 kilos you will make 10.
In the case of the simple direct, the linearity is continuous, this means that with an increase in factor A, factor B will also have an increase in equal proportions. In the rule of three simple inverses, constant linearity can be conserved, if before an increase in A, the factor B will decrease.
This methodology is very common for young people to be taught in schools, however at present there are sites on the web that facilitate the calculation of this method, simply simply enter the known values and from them we will proceed to decipher the unknown. The result obtained will be exactly the same as if it were done on paper, but this time it would be much more immediate.