
What is religiosity? »Its definition and meaning


Religiosity is a quality characteristic of people who follow certain doctrines and adopt the laws that are presented there in their lifestyle; is to act in the way that is stipulated in the sacred texts of said beliefs. Religiosity, also, is considered as the circumstances that surround the environment of a religious person, in addition to a way to "measure" how much they adhere to the indications that their religion dictates. Various investigations have shown that there are a series of factors that would make up human religiosity in general, and that these may not necessarily be tied to certain religions, but are oriented to what the individual feels in particular.

This word originates from the Latin word "religiosĭtas", which can be translated as "quality of religious" or "dedicated to religious life." Since time immemorial, this behavior has existed, both in the East and in the West, but with different philosophical centers. Demographic studies were responsible for revealing that, depending on the cultural background of a certain region, the individual can adopt religious habits or, alternatively, adopt none. To this is added the importance, by country, that people have with respect to religion; those doctrines that are imposed with more force or have leaders of greater power tend to be the most successful and, consequently, of greater relevance to citizens.

As mentioned above, the religiosity of the human species has a series of components, these are: cognition (knowledge), which in turn is subdivided into conventional orthodox and particular orthodox, feeling or affection (with the ability to affect the spirit), which is divided into palpable, tangible or material and intangible or immaterial or idealistic, in addition to behavior (in the material or physical world), this being religious behavior and religious participation.