
What is reproach? »Its definition and meaning


Reproach is when someone recriminates something to another person. The reproach usually occurs in relation to a certain behavior. The act of reproaching supposes, in short, a criticism of another person. It is a claim, a well-founded complaint, in which dissatisfaction with the reprehensible facts is reported to whom it is addressed.

Starting from the general idea that a reproach is a form of criticism, it is possible to reproach something in several ways. Complaint would be the most common means (if a consumer contacts a company to inform them about their discomfort due to poor service, they express their disagreement for some reason).

In the event that we reprimand another person, we also reproach him, since we disapprove of what he is doing (the typical case would be to scold a child in which his behavior is reproached to correct it). A variant of the scolding would be the reprimand, which becomes a kind of verbal sanction and which, in the end, is a reproach.

Although it is important to practice tolerance, try to understand that the other person is not the same as us and therefore, we cannot demand that they think or act like us if we were in their place, the most normal thing is that the reproach is part of a relationship, be it friendship or a relationship. When the differences of the other touch a point of vulnerability in our scheme, it generates a deep annoyance, a frustration, and that is why we reproach them for their attitude.

The reproach is good, if after that you are willing to listen and dialogue with the person who receives the reproof, to try not to happen again what motivated the complaint, or to understand that whoever did what made the person reproaching so angry had some valid reason or you just did it without realizing it.

Social relationships are difficult, especially when there is coexistence, as in the case of couples, of those who share a workplace or study, between neighbors, etc., and reproaches from time to time, in any of these areas is very common, healthy and normal.

The self-reproach can have another variant: the confession of our faults. In religious confession, whoever exposes his sins or faults to the confessor, presents a reproach about himself with the intention of being forgiven and cleaning up his bad behavior.

As can be seen, the action of reproach has several functions in communication: as a critic, as a corrective element, as an internal dialogue of a therapeutic nature or for spiritual relief.