The word reproductivity derives from Latin and is a prefixed double also provided with an action suffix that is "cion". It refers to the action of repeatedly producing or re-producing the prefix “re”, on the verb “producere”, which is made up of “pro” forward, towards the future and the verb “ducere” to direct, lead, guide. "Producere" is originally to drive forward, to make out, to advance, which from the biological point of view through reproduction, is when it develops through which one or more living beings are producedwhere it is characterized by its own species to which the parent or parents belong, so in this way, reproduction is maintained in different species over time.
Reproduction is classified by two types that are sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction.
The sexual reproduction is the process which involves specialized cells called gametes which means sex cell, formed in special organs, are called gonads that means are reproductive organs of animals where produced sex cells in which similar bodies to those of plants that are called gametangia. These cells form a variety of genetic combinations of the new organisms in order to develop the chances of survival.
The meiosis is the development of reproduction of chromosomes that occurs in the segmentation of normal cells with a number of diploid chromosomes are those having a double number of chromosomes, but the haploid are those with a single set of chromosomes or half.
On the other hand, asexual reproduction consists of a simpler and more primitive type of organism, which does not require specialized cells. In general, a cell called a "stem cell" is distributed giving rise to two or more cells that are identified as "daughter cells" that contain the same genetic information as stem cells.
But it is also known as vegetative reproduction because it is the process by which plants fertilize or produce new organisms by distinguished cells to ensure the protection of the species.