It is the security action whether to save something, place or thing. It talks about the action of payment on something for a guarantee of fulfillment of the requirements. Action of protecting, caring. Information can be protected manually in double copies or in a virtual way, storing data that can be used as supports on a computer with secondary files, thus having security and protection by preventing plagiarism or future damage due to its loss, in Currently, the computer equipment is not required to make use of a computer backup, using the network called the cloud to have the information at hand from any place and equipment.
There is talk of protecting areas that are prohibited due to their dangerousness or because they are in danger due to having a weak ecosystem, taking precautions in the case that corresponds to it, avoiding the proximity of the inhabitants near there, through blockades, signaling with notices or shutting down entirely if it becomes dangerous to humans. In the construction area, certain regulations are used that protect the integrity of the workers, who must use the necessary implements when operating machinery. We speak of a socio-political legal institutional safeguard, when an indigenous territory is consideredby recognizing their rights over their lands, making it clear that no one will be able to sell or make use of them, managing these lands by the indigenous people themselves, this was done through the town councils of the time of the Spanish for such functions; having as a purpose four important foundations, such as the tax function, the control of the exploitations, the administration and indigenous preservation. Although in Spanish times the hierarchy of an encomendero was used, so that they could produce said land with sowing, while the indigenous people were evangelized and being Christians under a different religion than theirs, by the order of the Spanish crown; As their livelihood work, they still had to pay tribute to the Spanish, which in the end brought dire consequences for forced labor that ended the lives of the natives of the region.
A Diplomatic safeguard is the one that some representatives of one country have over another, having an accreditation of an extraterritorial status, with an international law to carry with them a representative mission of their country, which guarantees the security of said embassies by not being exposed or bound by the laws of the host nation.