A Resolution is a condition in which it is sought to determine the solution of a certain circumstance. A resolution of a case is generally the act in which the problem that is sought from a questioned and debated instance is concluded with a final and definitive analysis to be resolved. Resolutions are the conclusions with details and agreements reached after a certain issue has been debated, administrative resolutions in an organization define the procedures with which to work and use the tools in order to achieve a well-achieved product. The resolutions base all the stereotypes with which the laws are established in any type of organization. It is important to disregard the fact that in government systems, laws are debated in councils which have different forms of expression and opinion, from the approval of these laws (Final Resolutions) plans are executed to guarantee security, food and economy plans that sustain the country. The judicial decisions of a case can be convicted in the case in which a punishment is imposed on the guilty or acquittal, to give freedom.
Another way to use the word resolution is to describe the quality with which an image is digitally edited. You may consider the pixel, the unit in which measured the resolution of an image is important in the world of digital publishing resolution of the images, the image resolution is measured by the amount of points light that it contains in the established framework, since the correspondence with the good quality of a content and the use that can be given to it depend on this. In a similar way, in the scientific fieldThe word resolution is used to refer to the quality with which an image lasts on measuring instruments used in the field. From a generic point of view, when we speak of resolution we mean a clear conclusion of what is being done.