The responsibility is the fulfillment of obligations or care to do or decide something, or a way to respond, which involves the clear knowledge that results meet the obligations or not, fall on oneself. It is considered a value and a quality of the human being. It refers to a positive characteristic of people, through which they are able to commit and act in a correct way.
What is responsibility
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The concept of responsibility refers to a value present in the conscience of the person who studies ethics on a moral basis. In addition, this concept also mentions that it is a learning that an individual can acquire at the level of their emotional intelligence over the years. Responsibility is a meta-competition nurtured by powerful attributes that require disciplined and systematic training. For this reason, not many people are willing to pay this price to achieve responsibility.
A definition of responsibility indicated by RAE, refers to the fact that this is an ability of human beings to recognize and measure the consequences of an incident that they carried out in full consciousness and freedom. On the other hand, it is the person who runs an activity.
In most cases, this is marked by a role, a position or a circumstance, an example of this can be a job or paternity. In the same way, a gesture of responsibility is having the ability to fulfill the commitments that society imposes. But this is only a little of what responsibility is, as there are also certain aspects that must be known, for example, the characteristics of a responsible person.
How is a responsible person
According to the definition of the term, a responsible subject is one capable of consciously making decisions, this being the direct or indirect cause of some fact. The responsible person does not need to be subjected to pressure, he is the first to dedicate himself 100% to his task, being able to go beyond his expectations and is very careful of his professional life. Responsible people thrive in an environment of freedom and are worthy of it.
Responsibility of children
This is very important since it is necessary to reinforce his behavior, add the value of responsibility, see if he is doing it right or wrong and teach him how to rectify if it is the case. Responsibility is a value that must be instilled in children from a very young age, teaching them how to face their daily problems and be constant in their actions, these are basic points to educate autonomous children with a happy future.
Promoting the meaning of this term in children is highly recommended since it is necessary to promote commitment little by little, trying to ensure that children take charge (as far as possible), of ordering their room, helping to set the table, organize your school supplies or your suitcase when going on a trip, among others. All this goes hand in hand with what responsibility means and its impact on society, also remembering that the value of responsibility is born and grows in each person.
What is social responsibility
Responsibility in society is a moral duty or commitment that members of a community have to preserve the good conditions around them. This definition of responsibility is closely related to ethics and morals, because the decisions made, both by individuals and by groups or societies, have consequences on the rest of its members, so an awareness of set.
It originates due to the concern of public authorities, individuals and institutions, of the damage that economic activities cause to the environment. Due to this, they exert pressure on the representatives of the companies, to comply with the environmental requirements, demanding that the State draft laws and verify their application and compliance.
The first manifestations of this in society emerged in 1906, but these were not taken into account. In the 1950s the first were held in the United States, in Europe it was until 1960, and by 1970 a series of associations interested in the subject began to emerge, making it a new field of study.
Responsibility in society is embodied in international agreements such as Human Rights and the Universal Biotic Declaration. In Mexico there are regulations whose objective is to help organizations collaborate with sustainable development, by satisfying the needs of the population without damaging natural resources and the environment.
Examples of social responsibility
Many companies see social responsibility as an obligation, a requirement that must be met, a burden, a certification or seal, or in many cases, just a dead letter embodied in the codes of ethics and mission, vision and values. Liability must be applied otherwise it does not exist. Some real examples of what liability is:
- Toks Restaurants: in 2003, this important restaurant chain started an inclusive business program, called “Productive Projects”. This initiative integrates as providers different actors that come from different rural communities in Mexico. Every time a client tries something with Toks jams, they are consuming a natural and artisan product, with just 0.1 of preservatives and manufactured by women from Guanajuato. Other influential businesses in this business include honey, granola, mole, and tomatoes. An example of positive economic and social impacts.
- McDonald's: this sustainable restaurant located in the Parque Hundido in Mexico City, shows a very good idea of what social responsibility is: it has a parking lot with spaces for bicycles and electric cars, the plants are endemic, the systems of cooling systems are equipped with the latest in green technology, where they used recycled or renewable materials in their remodeling. This allows the building to consume 75% less gas for water heating, 24% less energy and saves 450 liters of water less daily.
What is a Limited Liability
By Limited Liability Company is understood that capitalist company, specially created for the participation of few partners, for small family businesses, medium-sized companies, for professionals, of a commercial nature, whose capital stock is divided into equal, accumulative and indivisible shares, which they must be affiliated with negotiable instruments or be called shares; and that will be integrated by the contributions of all partners. It is called SRL because its main characteristic is that the liability of the partners against third parties for debts of the Company is limited to the capital contributed to the Company.
Liability laws in Mexico
As in most nations, Mexico has a series of laws that grant responsibilities to all citizens residing in the national territory (that includes even parliamentarians). In this case, we speak of a type of responsibility that falls on people who exercise public functions, that is, who serve the State in different areas. Each law has its characteristics and elements, which will be fully explained below.
- Federal Law of Administrative Responsibilities of Services: This is a public order regulation, its objective is to govern citizens according to their rank within the Mexican public administration, in this way, it will make them responsible for the actions they exercise while they are holding office. Among the responsibilities granted, is to fulfill their obligations within the public administration, to sanction or be sanctioned (everything depends on the actions that are carried out), to go directly to the competent authority to carry out the sanctions and, finally, keep a wealth register of public employees.
- Federal Budget and Tax Responsibility Law : this law seeks to regulate absolutely everything that has to do with tax matters in the Mexican territory, also understand the aspects of budget, social programs, exercise and control of public income, as well as as well as the expenses that arise on specific dates.
The government is responsible for public resources and, to ensure that these are allocated without problems or malicious intermediaries, created this law to promote clarity or transparency in its application. Furthermore, this law establishes that the CONEVAL is the only entity capable of organizing evaluations that have to do with social development.
- Federal Law of Responsibilities of Public Servants: this law regulates the obligations of public employees towards Mexican civilians, complying with and enforcing each of the rules, duties and rights that exist in the Mexican constitution and sincerely abiding by all the responsibilities that fall to him. This law also allows political trial, which is part of one of the most profitable means to settle legal disputes regarding constitutional guarantees.
Trials are carried out when a public official proceeds with facts or omissions in full exercise of his position, thus generating the responsibility to take charge of the acts committed.
What is responsible consumption
Responsible consumption has a series of characteristics, the first is related to sensible facts, that is, acting responsibly in the consumption of products or services is premeditated, conscious and personal. There is also the critical sense, because people have the need to ask where the product comes from, how it was made or, failing that, how the service being provided works. There is also ethics, since there is professionalism, responsibility and austerity in the face of waste. Another characteristic is the ecology that surrounds responsible consumption, since the waste of elements and natural resources is taken care of.
In this aspect, we also talk about health, this is because, by using responsible consumption in edible products, good eating habits are implemented, in this way not only obesity is prevented, but also chronic diseases such as diabetes. Finally, solidarity and justice are mentioned, since services are distributed equitably, neither more nor less regardless of the social class to which a person or a certain group of subjects belongs.
Responsibility phrases
Today there are infinities of phrases that promote responsibility in society, that is why this post will provide the most famous or appropriate for the occasion: