
What is restoration? »Its definition and meaning


It is to recover, recover or renew something in that state or estimate that it previously had. It is carried out in paintings, sculptures, buildings, among others due to the deterioration they have suffered. One can speak of archaeological, ecological, environmental or forest restoration, of cars, among the most named. The archaeological restoration refers to the cultural heritage of a Nation, in order to maintain a historical site in a state of service according to its functional, constructive and aesthetic characteristics, guaranteeing its permanence over time.

In the ecological field, when ecosystems are highly degraded, they cannot regenerate on their own, since their regeneration is generally very slow or their natural dynamics stops, for this reason active or assisted strategies are applied to ensure that the processes of recovery in its different phases, for which it is necessary to have a prior knowledge of what an ecosystem is, its species, its structure and its operation and to be able to determine the causes by which the damage was generated. The current conditions of an ecological restoration will depend on its historical relationship between nature and society.

The restoration of cars, widely used for these times, allows to maintain the classic of the same, investing a large amount of money to take it as much as possible to its original state, restoring all the damages that due to climatic or mechanical conditions have been degrading its operation. In the area of ​​computing it is observed very frequently, since when working on a computer that presents us with an unexpected failure, the system throws a message in which it asks us to restore the session since it must be restarted to correct damage caused in the same.