The word carriage return comes from the Latin "carriage retum", it is one of the encoding control characters, it is the method that allows changing a character from a natural language, into a symbol from another representation system, such as a number or a series of electrical pulses in an electronic system, applying ASCII, Unicode or EBCDIC coding standards or rules, where it makes the cursor move, it is a moving luminous symbol that indicates on the screen the place where it can be inserted, deleted or replaced one character to the first position of a line.
This comes from typewriters, which is a mechanical or electrical device, which have a cylinder called a "carriage" which is where the paper rests. When a complete line is written, a lever is placed in execution. It is called " carriage return" and it can be moved only to the left.
In this case, the electric machines changed the lever for a key, also called ´´car return´´ or just ´´return´´, to better explain the meaning of the key, they are shown with the symbol (↵), which is used to clarify something that is difficult to understand with examples or images.
The printer is a peripheral device for your computer that enables a continuous range of any papers or documents with figures or symbols that are stored in an electric format, printing them on physical media trigger the physical process of carriage return and closely resembled machines to write.