
What is rubella? »Its definition and meaning


Rubella is an infectious disease, caused by the rubella virus. This condition appears in the form of a skin rash, generating (especially in adults) joint pain. This virus is transmitted through the air. In pregnant women it can cause the death of the fetus.

People infected with rubella do not have symptoms until 5 to 7 days after the virus enters the body. It is a virus so aggressive that it is capable of crossing the placenta and affecting the developing fetus, preventing its cellular evolution and causing its death.

The person infected with rubella can infect others by sneezing, coughing, or touching contaminated objects or surfaces (hands, glasses, or tissues). When the virus enters the blood, it attacks the white blood cells, which in turn send the infection to the skin and respiratory tract. Skin rashes usually disappear after a short time. The symptoms generated by this infection are similar to those of a common cold; some of them are: fever, nasal congestion, headache, colored skin rash reddish, inflammation in the joints, otitis (in the case of children), inflammation in the glands, inflammation in the eyes, pain in the testicles.

To diagnose the disease , blood tests are necessary. Regarding treatment, specialists focus more on controlling symptoms such as fever and general malaise. What is recommended in these cases is to keep a lot of rest and isolate oneself from healthy people, since according to studies, a person who is not vaccinated against rubella and is in contact with someone infected has a 90% probability of being infected.

En los casos de niños contagiados de rubéola, se recomienda llevarlos al médico, si se presentan dificultades en las vías respiratorias o si la tos supera los 5 días. En caso de surgir otitis, se le administrarán antibióticos.

The most serious difficulties associated with smallpox occur in pregnant women. If a woman becomes infected with rubella in the first 20 weeks of gestation, the fetus is likely to catch it and develop congenital rubella syndrome. This would have serious consequences, since the baby could be born with a congenital defect, such as cerebral palsy, blindness, hearing problems, heart conditions. After 20 weeks of gestation, the risks of malformations are almost nil, since the fetus will be fully developed.

The vaccine that is applied to prevent rubella is the triple viral; This combination vaccine offers protection against rubella, mumps, and measles. It is recommended to apply it during childhood.

It is important to note that currently there are few cases of rubella, since through vaccination campaigns, people have been able to protect themselves from this unpleasant (and in certain cases) dangerous infection.