
What is noise? »Its definition and meaning


Coming from the Latin rugĭtus, the word noise is a meaningless sound and for any reason, which is not unpleasant and unwelcome in any area where it is applied, noise is associated with annoyances generated by strong, excessive or distorted sound effects.

In some fields such as physics, noise is related to interference, a disturbance in stable electrical circuits. Noises directly affect the processing and perception of signals assigned by means of satellite magnetic wave transfers, when there is interference between the emitter and the receiver it is called noise. Causes of electrical noise can be: thermal agitation of the conductor molecules.

In a less studied and more general field, noise is an annoying sensation caused by comments allusive to trasdiversar information, gossip, malicious comments. In general, when a sound is annoying it is considered noise, when a disturbance affects the correct functioning of some data transmission or electrical current it is called noise, a clear concept of noise is that it is annoying.

There are also noises associated with musical composition and are denoted by colors:

White noise: signal whose spectrum is flat in the frequency band of interest.

Pink noise: used in music. It consists of filtered white noise to obtain a given spectral profile.

Red noise: composed mainly of low and medium frequencies.