
What is pubic symphysis? »Its definition and meaning


The pubic symphysis is a cartilaginous joint that holds the bones of the pelvis together. It is important to clarify that the pubic bones of women are not fully united, but are assembled by the pubic symphysis, which makes these hip bones more stable and at the same time able to move. In women, this joint is covered by a fleshy tissue called the mons pubis.

The pubic symphysis is located in the anterior part of the bladder and on the external genitalia. In women, as already mentioned, it is located on the vulva and in men it is located on the penis. In the case of men, the band of dense tissue of the penis is attached to the pubic symphysis, while in women, the pubic symphysis is close to the clitoris.

When women are pregnant, they begin to produce hormones such as relaxin, which is responsible for making this cartilage flexible and, in turn, the pelvic bones in such a way that at the time of delivery, they can separate so that the baby can pass.

The pubic symphysis over the years wears out. Such wear and tear are accompanied by the age of the individuals. This is a feature of vital importance for forensic medicine, since with this the age of a skeleton can be determined, depending on the wear of its pubic symphysis. Coroners observe certain details such as grooves, ridges and slopes at the pubic symphysis to be able to decipher the age of the person.

Esta articulación puede verse afectada, si la persona hace grandes esfuerzos en los músculos aductores de la zona, generando mucho dolor a nivel del pubis, debido a que estos músculos se inflaman y también por el desgaste de la articulación. Las personas que tienen una fuerte tendencia a sufrir de estas lesiones son los deportistas. Ahora bien, para que estos tejidos se puedan mejorar, la persona debe guardar reposo y ponerse compresas frías en el área afectada, además de tomar antinflamatorios.

Symphysis pubis dysfunction is one of the most common complaints during pregnancy. The causes of this condition are still unknown, however, it is believed that it is due to the fact that one of the coxal bones has greater mobility than the other, thanks to the distention of the pubic symphysis. What happens then, that when the woman walks, she immediately feels pain in that area. To alleviate it a bit, it is recommended to place girdles that try to support the bulging belly and thus the weight that falls on the pubis decreases.