
What is sabbatical? »Its definition and meaning


The word sabbatical serves to define everything related to the Sabbath. Since Saturday (according to the calendar civil) the sixth day of the week and by Sunday make up what is the end of week, days usually, most people do not work nor study.

The concept of sabbatical can be appreciated in the biblical texts, since in them Saturday appears as the seventh of the week, and then Sunday is the first day. For followers of the Jewish religion, Saturday was considered a day to rest. Even this word has its origin thousands of centuries ago when the Hebrews had the custom of taking the seventh year of their crops to rest. And it is precisely from here that the expression "sabbatical year" comes from.

A sabbatical year is a period of time that the worker or student decides to take, either to rest or to carry out other personal activities. It should be noted that not all companies grant this permission to their workers, in general, it is educational institutions that do grant it.

There are people who do not rest, and do nothing but work, but there comes a time when they decide to take a "break" and take a break to be able to study another career, do a specialization or simply enjoy some time to relax.

While it is true that everyone would like to take a sabbatical, it is also true that not everyone can do it, either because where they work, they are not allowed to take many days of leave, or because the person does not have the money necessary to be absent from work for a long time and without receiving pay.

Taking a sabbatical year can be beneficial for the person since thanks to this he will be able to update himself and learn new skills, etc. The decision to take or not, should be well analyzed by the person, plus they should be consulted first at the institution where he works, so to determine the pros and cons of taking a year sabbatical.