The totally intentional destruction of utensils that an employee needs in his work area is considered sabotage , such as: machinery, raw material, structure, among other elements that were financed by the company; the destruction of these elements was caused by the hands of their own workers due to taking revenge on a controversy or professional conflict between the owner and his employees, this type of acts are directed in search of a collective goal for all those who are working in the same room. The term sabotage has an etymological origin in French "sabots" which means "Swedish", since they had conflicts with each other and retaliated against business assets.
Sabotage is nothing more than an attack against the assets that the company financed to generate significant losses that imply up to the bankruptcy of the same, this type of act is considered illegal and is penalized by criminal law being the years of sentence determined Due to the type of loss that it generated to the victim company, this act will be penalized within or outside of a workers' strike, that is, if the act was generated in a revolt, this will not serve to win a lesser sentence; Another situation where the term of sabotage fits is in those occasions where by means of lies it is sought to discredit the merchandise that is offered by a certain company, whether the product is altered with the application of harmful products or simply creating a smear propaganda against said material, among others.
Currently the word sabotage is applied on different occasions, so it can be referred to as a very broad term, since as mentioned above it reflects all those acts that generate discredit, discredit, damage or harm to a company with which it is has some kind of conflict or competition. Although on numerous occasions sabotage is practiced to achieve a common good, this will always be considered an illicit action, since irreversible damages are generated being the victim the owner of the company.