Salafism is an ideology from the Sunni-type Islamic people, this people defends the origins of the Muslim religion based on the prophecies and teachings described by Muhammad in conjunction with the four Orthodox who followed him; Although it is a fundamentalist ideology, Salafism has different branches or different types, this is directed to the way in which it is applied by Sunni followers, the differences of the practice of Salafism range from: the peaceful promulgation using pedagogy and explaining to the people what are the bases of religionMuslim, until reaching the violent jihadist movement where through violence and acts of torture they convince the people of how the Muslim religion is practiced. The word "salafism" has its Arabic etymological origin "salaf" which means "ancestor or prophet", this is to mention the customs applied by Muhammad, his companions and the three generations that followed his mandate.
As mentioned above there are two totally unequal ways of imparting Salafism: the peaceful way is known as “Salafism in preaching”, this trend or way of imparting the Muslim religion is totally divided from jihadist thought (strictly violent), it is based in spreading to all the Islamic people the word of the sacred Koran where all the experiences that Muhammad had is evidenced, as well as the mandates he received directly from God; the first imparter of this kind of salafIt was Muhammad at the time he was nominated for a political post, where he explained that "the best policy is to abandon politics", with this he wanted to imply that the best way to lead a country is hand in hand with religion, emphasizing that people must have extensive knowledge of the divine word.
On the other hand, there is "jihadist salafism" or "qutbism", also known by the name of pseudo-salafism, this type of salaf tends to reject the limited action of religious preaching, thus focusing their actions on the jihadist custom, imposing religion to all those who are indifferent by means of violence and torture, without having any mercy until he is ingratiated with the Muslim belief.