
What is Sandinismo? »Its definition and meaning


The Sandinista or Sandinismo ideology is a series of political and economic philosophies defended and instituted by the Sandinista National Liberation Front of Nicaragua at the end of the 20th century. The ideology and the movement acquired its name, image and above all, the military style of Augusto César Sandino, a Nicaraguan revolutionary leader who waged a guerrilla war against the United States Marines and the conservative Somoza National Guard in the early 20th century..

Despite using the name Sandino, the principles of modern Sandinista ideology were developed primarily by Carlos Fonseca, who, like the leaders of the Cuban Revolution of the 1950s, sought to inspire socialist populism among the peasant population of Nicaragua.. One of these main philosophies involved the institution of an educational system that would "liberate" the population from the historical fallacies perceived by the Somoza family.

By awakening political thought among the people, supporters of the Sandinista ideology believed that human resources would be available not only to carry out a guerrilla war against the Somoza regime but also to build a society resistant to the economic and military intervention imposed by foreign entities.

In Sandinismo, it is emphasized that the revolution begins in the rural regions of the oppressed peasantry of Nicaragua, Sandinista ideas are rooted in the symbols of Augusto César Sandino, and there is an effort to develop conscious growth through education.

Augusto Nicolás Calderón Sandino, the so-called General of Free Men, from whom it takes its name. The supporters and sympathizers of this current are called Sandinistas. Augusto César Sandino maintained, between 1926 and 1933, a war against the United States troops who remained in Nicaragua since 1912 to defend the status quo necessary for the exploitation of Nicaraguan resources by US companies and in defense of their troops. interests.

Based on the documentation generated by Sandino during the war, mainly correspondence and manifestos, Carlos Fonseca Amador provided ideological support for the foundation, in 1961, along with Santos López, Tomás Borge and Silvio Mayorga, from the Sandinista National Liberation Front, FSLN. He structured the fight against the dictatorship that the Somoza family maintained in the country since the assassination of Sandino in 1934.