
What is sap? »Its definition and meaning


Sap is known as a liquid substance which is transferred by the conductive tissue of plants, that is, it circulates through the vessels of higher plants and its main objective is to serve as a source of nutrients to said living being. Regarding its composition, it is mainly made up of 98% mineral salts, amino acids, hormones and water, however this percentage can be variable depending on the spice. The sap can be of two types: raw or elaborated, the first is characterized by being transferred from the root to the leaves by means of the so-called woody vessels, while the elaborated ones are transported in the opposite way, that is, from the leaves to the root. thanks to the Liberian glasses.

In the field of agriculture, having knowledge about the sap of plants is very important, since according to experts during the time that said organism produces it in greater quantities is in times of greater heat, which consequently means that during that time, the plant will develop more quickly. For this reason, experts recommend not pruning the trees during the summer season, since the loss of this liquid would be very great and the recovery would be very slow.

As mentioned above, sap is divided into two types, raw and processed sap. The raw sap is mainly made up of water, substances that control growth, minerals and other compounds that are diluted. In this case, the sap is transferred through the woody tubes from the roots to the leaves. On the other hand, the elaborated sap is transferred from the branches and leaves to the root, by means of the phloem, as regards its composition, it is made up of sugar, water, minerals and phytoregulators.

For the plant, this substance is vital for its nutrition and proper development, but it is important to note that for humans it also has special relevance, since it provides those who consume it, a large amount of minerals, carbohydrates, among other substances that are of great help for the expulsion of toxins.